What is basic electricity subject?

It covers the fundamentals of electricity applied to the electric field. Topics include electron theory, Ohm's law, circuits, magnetism, inductance, capacitance, and alternating current circuits. Electricity is the flow of electrons from one place to another. Electrons can flow through any material, but they flow more easily in some materials than in others.

The ease with which it flows is called resistance. The resistance of a material is measured in ohms. The basic electrical systems in which we care about voltage, current, and resistance are electrical circuits. They are structures composed of electrical devices, such as cables, resistors, switches, power supplies, etc.

The configuration determines the specific characteristics of each circuit and its possible applications. The distribution box in which temporary equipment is connected to the power supply is called a business switch, distribution or circular switch. Negatively charged electrons or positively charged carriers, such as protons or positive ions, can carry the charge. Because electrons are very small, in practice they are usually measured in very large quantities.

Modern industrial plants contain a large amount of electrical equipment that needs maintenance and repair. When it comes to permanent commercial wiring, the Electricity Code requires that only authorized electricians perform the work. In a parallel circuit, each load is electrically connected to the source at the same point, each receiving all the voltage simultaneously. To perform electrical maintenance tasks correctly and efficiently, electricians and electrical maintenance personnel must have (a basic knowledge) of the fundamentals of electrical theory; (a specific knowledge of the operation of electrical devices); and (practical experience).

This definition is equivalent to a difference in electrical potential between two spatial points (indicated by their name). The way to achieve this difference in electrical potential is usually through the initiation of chemical reactions (which move the electrons that generate a potential difference), magnets in motion, turbines driven by water, etc. At the end of the course, the student is expected to know the fundamentals of electrical engineering, as well as the practical implementation of fundamental theoretical concepts. The speed of this charge flow is the electrical current, which is determined by the potential difference and the resistance, that is, one terminal is positively charged, the other negatively charged, and electricity flows from one to the other, always in the same direction.

General topics covered in this unit include the nature of electricity; basic electrical quantities and their units of measurement; electrical circuits; and electromagnetism.

Geraldine Strode
Geraldine Strode

Award-winning zombie maven. Unapologetic food enthusiast. Total travel geek. Subtly charming beer lover. Typical web evangelist. Amateur coffee trailblazer.

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