What is the most an electrician can make per hour?

Salary range for electricians Since the average amount per hour includes both the lowest and the highest amount, the pay range gives you an idea of how broad the pay scale is. The data includes numbers from the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles for various levels of experience, providing a range of electricians' salaries that works for both hiring managers and job applicants. The 90th percentile figure is the salary of electricians, where 90% of similar employees earn less and 10% earn more. Electrician salary data is broken down by state and region and, in certain cities, includes salary ranges for beginning electricians, salaries for official electricians, and salaries for master electricians.

According to the data, Oregon recorded the fastest growth in salaries for entry-level, intermediate, and upper-level electricians, and was the second fastest growing in salaries for supervisors after New Mexico. Nebraska electricians' salaries were consistently among the most stagnant. The margin is small, generally less than a dollar an hour, but the 50th percentile for the salaries of beginning electricians is higher than that of plumbers and HVAC technicians in every state except Florida. The states with the highest salaries for electricians are Hawaii, Washington DC, Alaska, New York and Illinois.

The states or territories with the lowest salaries for electricians are Puerto Rico, Guam, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Arkansas. State and national average wage statistics, along with the increasing demand for highly qualified and highly qualified electricians in every state, are excellent indicators of what to expect from a career in this industry. ServiceTitan's labor rate calculator helps you accurately identify the total cost of hiring your electricians and provides you with a figure of how much you should charge customers for labor to ensure maximum business profitability. Electricians work full time to install, repair and repair various electrical systems, motors, communication devices, air conditioning systems, air conditioning, lighting systems and control units in residential and commercial environments.

To learn more about how ServiceTitan can help you pay your electricians' salaries and manage your electrical business, schedule a free demonstration here. And, even if only for financial reasons, any aversion to becoming an electrician or joining the trades in general doesn't make sense. Electricians with the right experience can find employment in building engineers, architects, and building management companies to help design and develop electrical systems for various residential and commercial buildings. Expected salaries vary depending on your level of experience, the city and state you work in, the industry you specialize in, and the demand for electricians in your area.

Industrial electricians: they work on large-scale projects in industrial facilities, such as factories, manufacturing facilities and power plants, and use large machinery and complex computer systems. Other electrician jobs include power systems technician, electrical relay technician, electrical research technician, electromechanical technician, and control engineer. Commercial electricians: they work in commercial buildings (offices and hotels) and are responsible for installing electrical circuits, security systems and air conditioning systems. Maintenance electricians: they are responsible for installing, maintaining, repairing, replacing and periodically inspecting electrical systems and equipment in manufacturing plants.

Geraldine Strode
Geraldine Strode

Award-winning zombie maven. Unapologetic food enthusiast. Total travel geek. Subtly charming beer lover. Typical web evangelist. Amateur coffee trailblazer.

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